Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Snail anatomy - assembling snail

Snails have no brain, but they have a structure called celebral ganglion, which is devided into four sections. It is much simpler than the brains of mammals and reptiles.

Snails have the capability to think and learn.

Some tests show that they can walk through the mazes.

It is a pair of salivary glands line on front part of esophagus, which secrets mucus and a digestive fluid into the esophagus and mix with the food.

Their eyes are on the tip of the tentacles, and at the base of the tentacles for marine species.

The snail's stomach have several muscular layers which is the first major organ of chemical digestion in a snail.

Snails are hermaphroditic and their ovotestis produce both egg and sperm, and are connected with 2 different ducts that transport eggs and sperms separately.

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