Friday, July 31, 2009

The 1st week, Aug-Volcano

In August you will learn about 'Earth Science" through interesting experiment.

You will do experiment about "Volcano" in this Saterday.

Using your favorite materials we sold at our shop, you will learn

and make "Volcano".

'Have a nice summer vacation together with your family'

Vocabulary : Volcano, Eruption, Lava, Magma, Vent

Key sentence :

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust,

which allows hot, molten rock, ash, and gases to escape from below the surface.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The last week of July-What is Chromatography?

You will do experiment with many colors of candy.

Vocabulary : Chromatography, dissolve, different, solution, mobile,

stationary, phase

The word “chromatography” is derived from two Greek words: "chroma"

meaning color and "graphein" to write.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Write your secret message on this slide..

Last week children wrote "secret message to friend" using different substances
Leave secret message you wrote last Saterday on this slide or comment now..
For example, Sarah wrote secret message " My name is Sarah" with venegar.
Sarah should write above message on this slide show 'Review'.

1st step to write review..
-Click "Yellow Star Sign" above small slide bar and then 'Review' bar will be present.
And, write your secret message only in English ...

Friday, July 17, 2009

The 3rd week, July-Secret Message

You will do experiment "Invisible Ink" in this week.

Have you ever seen "Spy Message" like as photo?

You can write "Spy Message" using Lemon or baking soda.

Vocabulary : Invisible, Acid,Indicator,Fluorescent

Key Sentence :

Invisible ink is one form of steganography and it has been used in espionage.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My way & dream since 2006

I gave you Homework for writing or drawing your Dream last week.

Always you should say to your family " I love you and thank you " to realize your


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Polymer Ball

Borax is the bridge in making polymer ball..

Friday, July 10, 2009

The 2nd week , July- Polymer

You will make polymer ball using some materials and learn about


Vocabulary : slime, polymer, liquid, solid

Polymer has qualities both solid and liquid.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 1st week of July-"Microorganisms Experiment"

You will learn about "Microorganisms".

Vocabulary : yeast, fungi, microorganisms, expel, carbon dioxide

Key Point : You should read loudly following sentence.

As the yeast feeds on the sugar, it produces carbon dioxide.

With no place to go but up, this gas slowly fills the balloon.

*Could you understand the meaning of word "but" on above sentence..

*PLS, explain to teacher at Saterday..

*3:40 & 4:40 class --- Don't forget to pay your order with your "check"

which I gave last month. And, I let you know how to write your check..

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How to write "check"-3:40 & 4:40

We gave you personal check to pay your order 3 weeks ago.

After receiving Invoice from Kidstong, Inc, you should pay your order by check.

And, you learned how to write check already.

If you don't know how to write 'check', Leave your comment on this blog.

If possible, comment only in English because this blog's visitors are almost from oversea..