Vocabulary : Pair, Protect, Locate, Attack, Newborn, Aphids, Beneficial
1. Why ladybugs are beneficial insects?
2. The life stages of the ladybug are:
3. Write a sentence using the following words:
(Hard, Elytra, Beneficial, Beneath)
Creative Education associated Science and Human for Little Global Leader dmdmfg@gmail.com Contact me 82-10-7158-6787
Today's lesson :
Moving Very Eagerly, Mary Jogged South Under Nine Planets.
Inner Planet ---M : Mercury, V : Venus, E : Earth, M : Mars,
Outer Planet ---J : Jupiter, S : Saturn, U : Uranus, N : Neptune, P : Pluto
On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formally downgraded Pluto from an official planet to a dwarf planet